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The adage for establishing native Perennials and Shrubs is:
The first year they sleep - The second year they creep - The third year they leap.
Blue Eyed Grass
(Sisyrinchium bellum)
Strong clumping perennial grows 6" to 12" tall & spreads to 1' to 2' wide with grass-like leaf blades. Branched flower stalks rise from base of foliage and produce blue blooms from January to June. Tolerant of any soil and water. Reseeds easily. Adapts to most any environment. If not irrigated, will go summer-dormant. Nice planted with bunchgrasses and CA Poppies. Native to much of California below 6,000' elevation.
Blue Flax
(Linum lewisii)
Semi-evergreen to deciduous short lived perennial producing blooms at the ends of slender branches late spring to mid-summer in it's first year. A good choice in tough, dry, lean landscape situations. Nice combined with grasses. Prefers full sun but is tolerant of some shade and garden water. Best in moderate to well-draining soils. Found throughout North America from Alaska south to Baja CA, and from the Pacific Coast east to the Misissippi River.
California Buckwheat
(Eriogonum fasciculatum)
Shrubby evergreen perennial grows to 1' - 3' tall and 4' wide. Wiry flower stalks are branched near the top and bear several clusters at the ends of the branches. Cream-colored flower clusters are usually so numerous they cover the plant from spring through summer and into fall. Due to its long flowering period, CA buckwheat is an excellent insectory plant that provides nectar sources for beneficial insects. Sun to some shade. Drought tolerant. Found on dry slopes in coastal scrub, chaparral, desert woodland & desert scrub below 2700'.
Great Valley Gumplant
(Grindelia camporum)
Extremely tough evergreen perennial grows to 2' to 3' tall & wide, larger with water. 'White Gum' covers immature flower buds opening to bright yellow daisy-like blooms from spring into summer. Combines well with native grasses. Drought tolerant once established. Attracts butterflies and bees. Native to the coastal ranges inland to San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys and up to 4,000' elevation.
Sticky Monkeyflower
(Diplacus aurantiacus ~ syn. Mimulus aur.)
Woody-based perennial grows very slowly to 3-4 ft tall & wide with narrow, sticky dark green foliage. Buff-toned orange blooms over a long spring & summer season. Attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Best grown in full sun on the coast to afternoon shade in hot inland areas. Little water once established. Found below 1,970 ft elevation from southwestern Oregon through most of California and into Baja.
Sulphur-flower Buckwheat
(Eriogonum umbellatum)
Low-growing, long-lived perennial is classified as a 'super plant'. It is a larval host and nectar source for several species of butterflies. A wide variety of pollinators utilize the nectar produced from flower clusters, summer into fall. The seeds produced are an important food source for many species of birds and mammals. Plants grow from 4" to 2' tall and wide (larger in cultivated settings). Plants must have well-draining soil in full sun. Found between 700' to 12,000' elevation from California to western Canada and into Colorado and New Mexico.
Sulphur-flower Buckwheat requires a long, cold period to trigger germination (cold stratification). It is best to set out seed balls in the fall or early winter.
White Sage
(Salvia apiana)
Evergreen perennial grows to 3-4 ft tall & wide at a fast rate. Foliage is covered in dense white hairs and is strongly aromatic. Flower stalks rise above foliage w/ white blooms from spring to fall, attracting hummingbirds, butterflies, bees and other insects. If allowed to go to seed, will feed foraging birds and small mammals. Prune back periodically if a more compact habit is desired. Full sun and little to no summer water once established. A common plant of chaparral, coastal sage scrub and inland sage scrub communities up to 4,900 ft elevation.
Western Yarrow
(Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis)
A perennial with significant garden merit. Soft, aromatic foliage hugs the ground and spreads by rhizomes, forming small dense colonies. In late spring and summer, stiff flowering stems rise 6" to 2' tall and bear small white to pale pink flowers in tight flattened heads. A fantastic plant for supporting habitat; foliage provides winter forage for birds and in spring, flowers attract butterflies and bees. Plants need sun and little water once established. Divide when clumps seem crowded.