Habitat Restoration
If you are addressing a barren landscape, seed balls are an incredible tool to establish vegetation easily. Due to the capillary ability of clay, the balls will 'hunker' into any surface they sit on once moisture is introduced. The loose seed will blow or wash away when broadcast on compacted surfaces. In areas of new construction, there is minimal weed competition present the first year, giving way to the establishment of natives ahead of invasive species.
Annual wildflowers will feed foraging wildlife this year. Seed produced will ensure more wildflowers in the years to come.
Perennial wildflowers will begin establishment this year, blooming the following year for continuous wildlife support thereafter.
For restoration, we want to stress the cultivation of natives to your specific area.
Annual or perennials? A bit of both is a good balance
Grasses are Imperative Why grass you ask? Many foraging insects and birds rely on grass vegetation and seed the plant produces, not to mention grasses aid in erosion control. Invasive species are far more aggressive than our natives. By the recommendation from the NRCS and USDA for restoration projects, specific varieties of grasses have been incorporated into seed balls for this purpose. Again, please only introduce grasses native to your area. We believe in getting natives re-established quickly.
Thank you for being part of the solution!